Users can also earn CRE tokens or coupons when taking advantage of promotions


Online and mobile commerce markets have grown rapidly in the recent years, but overall commerce remains dominated by the $25 trillion offline market1. According to a study by AT Kearney, 90% of all retail spending by American consumers took place in offline stores, illustrating that people still spend most of their money in real brick-and-mortar stores.
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Details LocalCoinSwap token sale and Unique Team

LocalCoinSwap is a decentralized market that’ll allow sellers and buyers to directly trade using any cryptocurrency; the trade will be done using different payment methods. With this ecosystem, it’ll be simpler and easier to offer a safe, fast, uncomplicated P2P trading platform. This platform will let its users freely exchange cryptocurrencies without worrying about needless waiting times or verification requirements.


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Red Pill will dominate this segment of the cryptocurrency movement.

Fortunately, the Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency revolution is here to save all those savvy people who do not want to fall victim to political upheaval and other situations beyond their control. Imagine waking up in the morning to the news that you can’t get your money out of the bank. This has happened before, and it is happening today.

Red Pill will dominate this segment of the cryptocurrency movement. There is a reason why countries like China and Vietnam are trying to ban cryptos……because they cannot control it. They are learning that they also cannot ban it without banning the Internet. Anybody with an Internet connection can be part of the blockchain revolution, and it is anonymous. A person can access their funds from anywhere on the planet.

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Cryptocurrency yang Dapat Merusak Kemiskinan di Dunia – World Peace Coin

Beberapa fakta mengejutkan dan mengejutkan tentang kemiskinan dunia yang mungkin belum Anda sadari. Menurut data terbaru oleh Kelompok Bank Dunia, hampir 1/2 dari populasi dunia yang terhitung lebih dari 3 miliar orang hidup dengan kurang dari $ 2,50 per hari. Dan lebih dari 1,3 miliar hidup dalam kemiskinan ekstrim yang berarti kurang dari $ 1,25 sehari.


Ada 1 miliar anak di seluruh dunia hidup dalam kemiskinan dan 22.000 anak meninggal setiap hari karena kemiskinan seperti yang dilaporkan oleh UNICEF. Dan lebih dari 805 juta orang di dunia tidak memiliki cukup makanan untuk dimakan atau tidak memiliki akses ke bank makanan atau hanya tidak mampu membelinya sendiri. Jadi, pertanyaannya adalah bagaimana membantu memberantas kemiskinan ekstrim dan mengurangi tingkat kematian karena kemiskinan?

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